I’m trying to straighten myself
Be straight = 🥂
Chin chin
I was so drunk I had to pray I wouldn't puke in the Uber
Oh, oh, oh prayer did help then. That’s cool of God!
Agh, there was so much insanity on the way.
I know
Speaking of God:
Ascension of Christ? What happened?
Ascension in the Christian faith is the return of Jesus Christ as the Son of God to his Father in heaven.
So Jesus went home to Papa God, the single parent.
I also wish myself to be home.
Just home for a moment.
To just be there.
A short break, cry, then keep going.
Both grandfathers are problematic: one committed suicide, the other was a Nazi.
I feel you
My great-grandfather was in the textile industry. I’m wondering: what about the slave trade?
Where was the factory?
Then I’d say: yeah, slave trade was present.
Most people took part for the most part.
We carry the weight of so many people on our shoulders, it’s heavy.
On the conscience.
To a certain extent, the entire crowd.
It’s raining for the first time in 7 weeks.
I wanted to cry, but no tears unfortunately.
It was tremendous.
What doesn't help against depression: shopping, eating, going to the countryside on your own.
So much violation and I kept quiet.
Rejection all the way.
I never wanted to be a victim, this I had sworn myself. But I was the biggest victim and a mean perpetrator to boot. A perpetratress.
Perpetratress, sounds meaner than perpetrator.
No one thinks of themselves as being who they want to be.
Memory lapses when I think about my childhood
Or call me a liar because I don't remember a thing.
It’s pretty normal to forget large chunks of the past.
An image and I remember, but I can't recall it on purpose - I only know that I have a memory once it’s been triggered by the image.
A particular light. The light.
Hawks can see up to 1000 meters in the distance. Prey for example.
1 km - so stressful!
That’s why falconers give them hoods to wear.
Where is my hood?
I need to puke.
Everything’s spinning.
That’s ok, the world’s big and it keeps going.